Thursday, April 5, 2012

Best Friends and Boyfriends

Readers & Trend Makers alike,

Are you ready for my new, monthly column for my boss, Rachel Russo's, It's called The Dating Dish and will be my impression on the dating dilemmas plauging us every month. Make sure to follow her site (not just for my column).

Here's a little taste of this month's installment.
"So on to the topic of the week: BEST FRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS. Why is it that when it comes to these two, they just don’t mix? I remember seeing a Youtube video “What Girlfriends Say to Boyfriends” and she said, “all my friends hate you”. Why is it that a rift can so easily be created between friends when a budding relationship is occurring. Friends know that competing with your boyfriend is pointless so they give up and make new friends. But what happens when you are at a point of your relationship when you want to leave, why are your friends nowhere to be found? That should be the time you reconnect with your old crew but instead, I find, friends keep their distance and refrain from giving break up support or advice. Why is that?........."

Check out for the full blog!

xoxox, Ms. Date Guru

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