Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

I was watching the news and saw the top 5 lies men tell women and thought that I need to pass this information along. You can find this and other useful information on

1.) I didn't have that much to drink
2.) Nothing is wrong, I'm fine
3.) (when they get lost) There was no sign
4.) No, it doesn't belong to another girl, those are your _____ (ex. panties, hair, necklace etc.) 
5.) I'm on the way

Just goes to show, you can't take everything men say for face value and again "actions speak louder than words". So don't be so forgiving to guys excuses and lies.

1 comment:

  1. Girls lie too. Like when they say they're going to pay for an ID and don't :(
