Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friend Hopping

Like bar hopping, coming in the restaurant/bar with one friend and leaving with another than proceeding to post game with yet another(s). That, is "friend hopping" it seems like our constant communication and connectedness makes it hard for us to be alone and more and with a stronger need for affiliation. This could be a double edge sword because although having strong, meaningful social contact is good for soul, relying on friends too much is evil and can create a dependent personality. You always want to be okay on your own, so put down that phone and enjoy the moment. When you have too many friends whether it be amicable or romantic, it makes it hard to truly appreciate each one. When you start confusing facts and experiences between friends, that’s when you know you have too many. Sometimes I will ask a friend the same question multiple times because I forgot their answer and that’s a good indicator that you can’t keep your friends straight, or that you have a horrible memory. Other indicators are when you name the wrong person in a story or when you swear that one of your friends was there but they are sure they weren’t. IN order to be a good friend, you need to fully appreciate each one, so don’t spread yourself too thin. Instead with friends and hook-ups, set high standards and be selective. No matter what you do, getting everyone to like you is impossible so don’t try. Being selective with friends will ensure your life stays drama free and frees up your time for more productive things so it is the friend Rx for everyone.

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