Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hooking Up: Keeping It Casual

Hooking up is a new social trend probably due factors such as: people are getting married later on average,  and now women are putting their careers first more and more which makes them more able to provide for themselves than before. Hooking up defined would be a non-committal relationship involving sexual acts, usually sexual intercourse.

There are many reasons why a hook-up set up may work for you. It allows to keep your options open at all times and be able to take advantage of every possible option if you wish. In fact, college has the most single people concentrated in one place, once you graduate and are in the job market it will be a lot harder to meet people and young professionals must often resort to online dating sites to meet people. So taking advantage of being in college and being open to all kinds of people, even the ones you wouldn't consider dating is a smart decision.

Since everyone has needs, this is a way to fulfill those without feeling emotionally vulnerable.  Most college students are simply busy and can't commit to a relationship but hooking up would be a convenient, fit option. Also, this way you can put yourself first and you don't necessarily have to consider someone's else needs

Keys to Keeping It Casual:

1.) Limit emotional attachment- don't hold hands, talk about your family too much. Don't be yourself, be your best self....don't lay it all on the line.

2.) Respect yourself- make as much time for them as they do for you. Don't always be available and don't hang out to the point where you are neglecting your responsibilities.

3.) Separate them from your life- you need to be ready to fold at any point so you have to again, keep your distance. Don't introduce them to your parents or all your friends, and be careful hooking up with people in your circle of friends, in your classes, or that you live near that may end up turning into an awkward situation if it ends.

4.) Take things a day at a time- Because you're not committed it can end anytime, in college hook-ups generally end with the semester to leave new options for break.

But be careful you are ready for this type of relationship, there is a thin line between hooking up and dating and some people can't separate them so you have to shield yourself from internalizing it. The set-up doesn't work for everyone at any given time, especially people who take rejection personally, or someone who went through a break-up easily. You can't expect to get a relationship out of it, you have to be able to see where it goes so you don't get rejected if things don't work out. Don't settle for a hook-up when you are really hoping to start a relationship. Be honest with yourself and don't do it if you feel uncomfortable. And remember it's not hygenic or safe to have sexual relations with more than one person at once so try to be monogamous with your hook-up.

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